Artusi is the through indubitable reporter of a chapter of the Italian history made of knowledge of the food traditions: through his receipts we can run the Boot just reunified by Garibaldi’s deeds and we learn to know the products and the receipts.
With Artusi’s Feast, organised since 1997 every second-last Saturday of June for nine consecutive days, we wish to recreate in Forlimpopoli the desire of seekng the tastes: we want to quench our curiosity to know the details of that domestic place too often left aside because of our everyday hurrying up.
We wish to eavesdrop the words of those ones working among scented vegetables, meats, pans, getting some ideas to surprise our own pleasure to experiment ourselves at the fires. Then, in the magical atmosphere of a town disguised as a cook, we like catching any perfume to fix it in the memory, finding our past or enriching our future. The program is vast and the opportunities allow everybody to taste what is the most appreciated by his/her own palate, or to dare trying an unknown morsel: kitchen, music, theatre, dance, tastings, markets, Artusi’s prizes, scientific meeting, there are plenty of choices for everybody!
There is a dream living inside the feast; Artusi’s House, the starting point of our journey and the final aim to reach.
Associations, private citizens, volunteers, council clerks work feverish to the feast, aimed by a common feeling, they give their contribution to the realisation of a town identity, based on our own history, a history to share with those ones who understand the motivations under the name of well living together and of the conviviality.
Culture Councillor
Mauro Grandini