Marietta Prize

This award was initiated in the name of Artusi’s faithful kitchen help, Marietta. The competition is open to all, non-professional cooks who wish put themselves to the test by preparing some of the recipes and dishes included in Artusi’s book.

Pellegrino Artusi dedicated his recipe for panettone to Marietta with the following words, because “she is an excellent cook, and such a good and honest person that I wish to dedicate this cake to her, as indeed the initial recipe came from her”.
Both the town of Forlimpopoli and the Festa Artusiana would like to dedicate the award to all current day “Mariettas”, all those men and women who show an interest and flair in the kitchen and apply the basic principles of “The Science of Cookery and the Art of Eating Well”.

Each year the winner is publicly awarded € 1000.

Ad honorem Marietta Prize

Ad honorem Marietta Prize has been created since 2005 to have the opportunity of thinking about Artusi’s inheritance in an articulated way, pointing out those skilled people, not only women, who give honour to food culture and table. In particular these Marietta Prizes, in the name of the faithful cook of Artusi, whish to remember those who spend time and ability on discovery and protection of our land food resources with books, articles, conferences and tasting, and those who have made gastronomy a personal vocation, finding out a noble activity inside it, aimed to present again recipes and dishes otherwise destined to be forgiven.